World Paella Day is a global celebration that honours paella as a symbol of togetherness and culinary diversity. This event, which takes place on 20 September, highlights how paella has crossed borders, creating emotional and cultural connections around the world. Originating in Valencia, paella has influenced international cuisine. This special day invites people to share and enjoy its rich tradition, strengthening ties between different cultures through a dish that transcends language and fills hearts.


On the occasion of the celebration of the fifth World Paella Day, the entire organisation encourages brands, institutions, personalities and any organisation or person who wants to participate in the official celebration of the event to join our project.

Because if paella is universal, the day of its celebration has to be global.

In this fifth edition there are no official sponsors. This day we celebrate its internationality. Therefore, we invite all paella lovers to collaborate to make #WORLDPAELLADAY2024 the day in which València shares paella with the world.


Con motivo de la celebración del cuarto World Paella Day, desde toda la organización animamos a marcas, instituciones, personalidades y cualquier organismo o persona que quiera participar en la celebración oficial del evento,a unirse a nuestro proyecto.

Porque si la paella es universal, el día de su celebración ha de ser global.

En esta quinta edición no hay patrocinadores oficiales. Este día celebramos su internacionalidad. Por eso, invitamos a todos los amantes de la paella a colaborar para hacer que el #WORLDPAELLADAY2024 sea el día en el que València comparte la paella con el mundo.